"How to fix a Housing Crisis"

The New York Times | April 28, 2019

California finally is beginning to consider solutions to its housing crisis that are on the same scale as the problem.

The state is desperately in need of more housing. Home prices are the highest in the continental United States, and population growth continues to outstrip construction.


"You can’t judge housing affordability without knowing transportation costs"

City Observatory | April 24, 2019

“…The practical implication is that we shouldn’t be talking about housing affordability in isolation.

We should really be talking about “affordable living” rather than “affordable housing.”

If your rent is low, but you have to spend a disproportionately large share of your income on transportation, then your living situation isn’t affordable…”


"Who’s Really Buying Property in San Francisco?"

The Atlantic | April 19, 2019

“…This year, eight major tech companies are expected to hold initial public offerings. The first, Lyft, took the public-market plunge last month.

Yesterday, Pinterest did. Airbnb, Instacart, Palantir, Postmates, Slack, and Uber remain.

Amazingly, all but Palantir are headquartered in San Francisco, currently home to only five other public software companies—Dropbox, Salesforce, Square, Twitter, and Yelp…”


"$300 million West Oakland project revamps design, seeks approvals"

SF Business Times | April 17, 2019

A huge influx of both apartments and people will hit West Oakland BART station in the coming years, and it could start at 500 Kirkham St.

Developer Panoramic Interests will seek final approvals from the Planning Commission this spring for its 1,032-unit project, a go-ahead that would come after three redesigns, a fight over parking and years of planning.



BeyondChron | April 17, 2019

SB50 Opens Gentrified Neighborhoods to Working and Middle-Class Residents

California’s SB 50, with lead co-sponsors Senators Nancy Skinner and Scott Wiener, expands housing opportunities for working and middle-class tenants who have been priced out of cities. So why do many tenant groups oppose the measure?


"Rapid Urbanization: The 5 Megatrends"

Word Bank | April 11, 2019

“…five fundamental forces shaping the future of society…”


"Tech boom driving reinvention of historic SF structures for office space"

SF Chronicle | April 6, 2019

“…The Chronicle reported earlier this week that tech companies have leased 2.2 million square feet of San Francisco office in the first three months of this year.

That’s enough space to fill nearly two Salesforce Towers. And that’s in only three months…”
