"The Way Los Angeles Is Trying to Solve Homelessness Is ‘Absolutely Insane’"

The New York Times | October 23, 2022

This is the paradox of housing development in Los Angeles and so many other cities. The politics of the affordable housing crisis are terrible. The politics of what you’d need to do to solve it are even worse.


"Not Everyone Should Have a Say"

The Atlantic | October 19, 2022

To speed up permitting for energy projects, we’ll need to rethink community input.


"A 95-Square-Foot Tokyo Apartment: ‘I Wouldn’t Live Anywhere Else’"

The New York Times | October 3, 2022

TOKYO — At the end of a long day at work in the offices of Japan’s professional baseball league, Asumi Fujiwara returned to her apartment and changed into pajamas
