"She almost jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. How a homeless S.F. mother transformed her life"

SF Chronicle | December 21, 2023

The city maintains 907 permanent supportive housing units in buildings such as City Gardens that are dedicated for families. The city also offers more than 1,400 temporary or permanent housing vouchers and rental subsidies for families, according to the latest data from the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing.


"The Old New Way to Provide Cheap Housing"

The New York Times | December 11, 2023

Homelessness is an American tragedy, but it’s not hopeless. In a recent column, I explored how Houston has become a national model by reducing homelessness by more than 60 percent.


"Interest rates are expected to start coming down this summer"

Brandon Donnelly | December 3, 2023

H e called this correction in the housing market both “real” and “healthy”; he spoke about normalcy returning in 1-2 years; and he posited that the market will be “crazy” when it does return because of a supply deficit.
